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Animal studies
Birth of Venus
Landscape from the landscape
Mountain – Man – Painting
Signs are we
Gottfried Tritten -Letter of Love (iii)- 1988-89
Gottfried Tritten -Question to a mountain (Niesen)- 1979–82
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape (Sketch Wildstrubel)- approx. 2001
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Three Portrait Studies)- approx. 1995
Gottfried Tritten -Red composition with square- 2008
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Red signs)- env. 1978
Gottfried Tritten -Letter of love (i+ii)- 1988-89
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape- 2002
Gottfried Tritten -Red Signs- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Grey Square- 2008
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled – Tao- 1990
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape- 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Vineyard-study, unfinished)- approx. 1970
Gottfried Tritten -Tao and Ishtar- 1992
Gottfried Tritten -Portrait Sibylle Tritten- 1986
Gottfried Tritten -Stillness and movement (black signs)- 1998
Gottfried Tritten -Self-portrait, green and black- 1998
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape (Wildstrubel)- 2007
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape, Wildstrubel- 2006
Gottfried Tritten -Composition- 1965
Gottfried Tritten -Portrait Lucius Burckhart- 1952
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Brown signs and linear landscape, diptych)- approx. 1985
Gottfried Tritten -Woman – Landscape- 1969
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Pi)- approx. 1990
Gottfried Tritten -Blue Metamorphosis, Homage to Li Tai Po II- approx. 1990
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape, blue- 2007-08
Gottfried Tritten -Stones iii- 1980-81
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Portrait study)- approx. 2004
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Stillness and motion) – approx. 1991
Gottfried Tritten -Black and grey signs- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Black and blue signs)- approx. 1993
Gottfried Tritten -Two black signs- 1998
Gottfried Tritten -Red Improvisation- 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Three variations on Ishtar- 1993
Gottfried Tritten -Wildstrubel- 2003
Gottfried Tritten -Red Sign- 2001
Gottfried Tritten -Stone woman- 1971
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Orange Signs)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled- approx. 1970
Gottfried Tritten -After a flying bird or, flight- 1949
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Triptych Wildstrubel)-approx. 2000 2000
Gottfried Tritten -Composition of two elements- 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Blue Signs)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Red Island (Relief)- approx. 1970
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape- 2002
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Dark Signs, unfinished)- 1983–86
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Blue ground, unfinished)- approx. 2000
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape, green, grey and black signs- 2004
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Painting, unfinished)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape inside and outside (red signs)- 2001
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape (red)- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Self-portrait in blue- approx. 1983
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Blue diamond, unfinished)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Portrait Danielle II- 1978-79
Gottfried Tritten -Black signs- 2000
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape, Improvisation- 2008
Gottfried Tritten -Improvisation in black – Wildstrubel- 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Sign of love (without characters)- approx. 1987
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Four nude studies ii, reverse i)- approx. 1973
Gottfried Tritten -Sparta- 1989
Gottfried Tritten -Sandor Kutty, an attempt at a portrait III- 1983
Gottfried Tritten -Love letter to Ishtar- 1993
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the Landscape (Triptych)- 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (unfinished, 2-part i)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Four nude studies iv, reverse iii)- approx. 1973
Gottfried Tritten -Scripture Image- 2001
Gottfried Tritten -To Ishtar- 1993-94
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Blue Landscape with Square, unfinished)- approx. 2000
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Lovers)- approx. 1955
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Mountain and Landscape with lettering ‘Sibylle’)- approx. 1983
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Wildstrubel with lettering)- approx. 2007
Gottfried Tritten -Wildstrubel- 2003
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape (my mountain)- 2008
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Signs of a Landscape)- approx. 2007
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Landscape from the Landscape, green)- approx. 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Deep Purple (Triptych)- 1996-97
Gottfried Tritten -Blaue Signs (Improvisation)- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Improvisation of a landscape- 2008-09
Gottfried Tritten -Three letters to my mother- 1982-86
Gottfried Tritten -The grey mountain 1984-86
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the Landscape- 2007-08
Gottfried Tritten -Composition in two red elements- 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape (red)- 2008
Gottfried Tritten -Oliva, Red Landscape- 1998
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Overpaintings)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Signs of a Landscape (Relief)- 1969
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the Landscape (overpaintings)- 1995-99
Gottfried Tritten -Improvisation (Tao, Form and Void)- 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape- 2003
Gottfried Tritten -Stones iv- 1980-81
Gottfried Tritten -Question to a mountain- 1974
Gottfried Tritten -Red Rock- 1996-97
Gottfried Tritten -Question to a mountain, you are the sky I am the horizon- 1983
Gottfried Tritten -Red signs- 1978
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (brown, black and orange signs)- approx. 1985
Gottfried Tritten -Self-portrait in black-brown (study)- approx. 1995
Gottfried Tritten -According to a landscape- 1983-85
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Blue landscape with six black squares, number reassigned)- 2002
Gottfried Tritten -To Istar- 1994-95
Gottfried Tritten -Blue brush sign- 1992
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Study for Polyptych I, unfinished)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Study for Polyptych II, unfinished)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Stones i- 1980-81
Gottfried Tritten -Red painting with landscape- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Composition in red- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Landscape with two blue squares)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Hand- 1985
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape (Wildstrubel)- 2006
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape- 2003
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (unfinished, 2-parts-ii)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape with African love song- 2007
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (From the Tao)- approx. 1990
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Four nude studies iii, coloured)- approx. 1973
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Wildstrubel)- 2008-09
Gottfried Tritten -Cretan olive grove- 1965
Gottfried Tritten -Mountain of excitement (La montagne de l-irritation- 1980-86
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Landscape in blue frame)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -I am always obsessed with your image- 1978
Gottfried Tritten -Nuoro- 1965-68
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Black Signs)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Improvisation with brown- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Composition black and blue)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Mirroring- 1982-87
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Flight II)- 1959
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Four nude studies i, coloured)- approx. 1973
Gottfried Tritten -Stones ii- 1980-81
Gottfried Tritten -Ishtar (with brown and grey signs)- approx. 1990
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Woman Landscape II, Moulded cut-out)- approx. 1970
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Woman Landscape III, relief study)- approx. 1969
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Landscape on poem)- approx. 1980
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape- 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Woman Landscape, Long Island (Relief)- 1974
Gottfried Tritten -Question to a mountain- 1982
Gottfried Tritten -Blue Improvisation, linear- 1999
Gottfried Tritten -I am a mountain… (Angelus Silesius)- 2011
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Wildstrubel)- approx. 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Blue Mountain- 1990
Gottfried Tritten -Hand IV (Phrissos)- 1984
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Blue Composition, unfinished)- approx. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Composition of 4 elements- 2009
Gottfried Tritten -Landscape from the landscape, My Wildstrubel- 2005
Gottfried Tritten -Self-portrait in grey (sketch)- ca. 2010
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Mountain with blue, green and black signs) – approx. 2003
Gottfried Tritten -Impression Valaisanne- 1969
Gottfried Tritten -Mountain I- 1985
Gottfried Tritten -Portrait of my mother- 1984-86
Gottfried Tritten -Grass Girl- 1971
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Landscape)- 1947
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (textured ground orange)- approx. 2000
Gottfried Tritten -Untitled (Brown composition)- approx. 2005
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